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Welcome to my personal website, where I share my projects and thoughts as a software engineer. My name is Daniel Rufus Kaldheim, and I reside on the west coast of Norway.

As a software engineer, I have a passion for creating and building things in my spare time. Whether it’s a new project or a hobby, I enjoy bringing my ideas to life through code or hardware.

On this blog, you’ll find updates and information about some of the projects I’m working on. If you’re interested in learning more about me and what I do, feel free to check out my Instagram profile, where I share my interests and hobbies; my Youtube channel, where I upload videos of my FPV drone flying; or my Github Profile, where you can see some of my open-source contributions.

If you’d like to reach out to me, I can be contacted at daniel [at] kaldheim [dot] org. I’d love to hear from you and discuss any projects or ideas you may have. Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope you enjoy exploring my projects and thoughts.